Read the latest issue of Bakery Business here

UPDATE: Since going to print with this issue of Bakery Business, there have been some important changes at London Bread & Cake Co Ltd as a result of David Hall’s interview. AA Bakeries, which already operates from London Bread & Cake’s manufacturing site, has agreed to take on the supply of Hall’s reduced sales – allowing him to focus his attention on assisting bakers who are potentially reallocating their business to London Bread & Cake. Hall has now ceased manufacturing and selling at London Bread & Cake, concentrating on helping bakery businesses flourish not only at his former manufacturing location in London’s N18, but beyond this too. You can read more about how Hall’s role has been changing at London Bread & Cake Co Ltd from page 12.

Express yourself

I bet you’ve all been so busy baking in the run-up to and during the festive period that you’ve barely had a moment to reflect on the highs and lows of 2018. I always try to use the close of one year and beginning of another to turn inwards and think about what I’d like to achieve in the coming months, what my goals are and where I want to see myself in December 2019. In reality, the cogs creak back into motion far quicker than I ever expect in January, and before I know it, the clocks are changing again, but I’m still the same.

Speaking to Ronnie Miles, MD of Bells Food Group in Lanarkshire (page 22), I asked him what his new year’s resolutions were. Ronnie routinely makes time to set goals for his personal development each year (and is probably far more efficient than me at achieving them) but his main ambition for 2019 was very much focused on the people around him. The power of a genuine ‘thank you’ should never be underestimated and its positive legacy can spread like wildfire. Like Ronnie, I think we should all remember to thank people personally for the little things they do, which are a great help in the bigger picture. Especially in companies that have employees of all ages, skill levels and experience. Especially when some workers from abroad may be questioning their value to a British company in the midst of confusing Brexit headlines. Especially in the baking industry, which is seeing costs rise and prices fall. I’m sure we all know someone who could do with a ‘thank you’ to brighten their day and remind them why they bake.

Supporting each other has never been so important, and if you’re a bakery either looking for the support of another business or are just curious to know how some bakers are battling the big issues facing the industry this year, head to page 12 and discover how David Hall is organically restructuring London Bread & Cake Co to adapt.

This year might well be a testing one for the industry, but it’s also an opportunity for bakers to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses. Ask yourselves, what needs to change?

Rewards and recognition are invaluable during tough times, so why not start on a high and enter your business into the inaugural National Bakery Awards? Head to and use it as an opportunity to thank yourself and those you work with for the jobs they do every day.

Rosanna Spence